joan rowan

Joan Rowan specializes in watercolor painting using a controlled and loose combination style.
Drawing and Watercolour Classes
Intermediate/Advanced Level - Tuesdays - 9 AM - noon - starting on Tuesday, Jan. 9 for 6 weeks. Last class of this 6 week session will be on Feb. 13/24. Next session starts on March 5 for 6 weeks, with one more 6 week session starting on April 30.
Beginner/Beginner + Level - Wednesdays - 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM starting on Wed. Jan10 /24 for 6 weeks. Last class of this 6 week session will be Wed. Feb. 14. Next session starts on March 6 for 6 weeks, with one more 6 week session starting on May 1.
Intermediate/Advanced Level - Thursdays - 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM. starting on Thursday, Jan. 11 for 6 weeks. Last class of this 6 week session with be Feb. 15/24. Next 6 week session starts on March 7 with one more 6 week session starting on May 2.
You can sign up for whichever session/s you want. In each session, we will be doing different projects. We usually do a drawing exercise/project at the beginning of each class, followed by various painting projects, and new and/or reviewed painting techniques.
Cost is $130 per session.
Location - 9085 College Drive, Coldstream, near Okanagan College
Contact info - Joan Rowan - phone 250-549-2665 or text 250-938-9386
Email: [email protected]